Church and School

St John’s is a church and school partnership.  We work together and support each other in many different ways, enhancing our worship together and living our Christian values in all our work.  

We hold Collective Worship for the school in church every Wednesday during term-time.  Anyone is welcome to attend this short service at 9 a.m. The children take an active role in the service, in the procession, and providing readings and prayers each week. Services are led by members of the St John’s church family and the Bishops Hatfield ministry team.  


Members of the school choir also sing with the church choir regularly and school is very involved in key services during the year, including Harvest Festival and Mothering Sunday.   

Parents are invited to contact our church wardens or our Musical Director if they would like their child to sing in or with the choir, or if they would like further information about the choir.

Church members serve on the school governing body, and the vicar and church members provide support for the school in many ways. 

To email us either click the button below or go to the Who's who and Contacts page and click on the person you would like to contact.  Alternatively, please use the form at the bottom of the Who's who and Contacts page.