
As a church we support all those who come to us in any way we can, including through prayer.  If you would like someone to pray with or for you, please speak to a church member, or see below for contact details and guidance.

Prayers for the sick

You are welcome to add a name to our intercessions folder which you will find at the back of the church. The names on the list will be read out during the intercessions at our Sunday and Wednesday morning services.  Alternatively, you may ask the prayer coordinator to add a name to the list for you.  Names will remain on the list for a month, unless you ask for them to be removed earlier.

If you would like others to pray privately for you or someone you know, please send a prayer request by email to the prayer coordinator.  The request will then be sent out immediately to the members of St John's who have asked to be on the list of those who would like to pray for others.  Your request will not be shared with anyone else.

For any further information about prayer, please contact the prayer coordinator by clicking Email: prayer or by using the form at the botom of the Who's who and Contacts page.

Prayers for the dying

If you would like a member of the Clergy or a lay person to visit a dying person, please contact us using the form at the bottom of the Who's who and Contacts page.   

Prayer for today  

Please click on the link below to listen to or read the Prayer of the Day as published on the Church of England website.