This document sets out what we believe God is calling St John’s to ‘be’ and ‘do’ both in the long term and specifically by 2027. It is open to change as the Spirit moves, and will be regularly updated. The Strategy contains six key components: our Purpose; Mission; Vision for 2027; Priorities; Values and an Action Plan for 2024/25.
Our PURPOSE defines us…
St John’s exists to enable the diversity of people we encounter to:
- develop a deeper CONNECTION with God’s love, through Jesus.
- draw on God’s love to build a community that CARES for each other and the world.
- grow in CONFIDENCE in sharing the Good News of God’s love for all.
Our MISSION guides us…
St John’s fulfils this CONNECTION, CARE AND CONFIDENCE purpose by being:
a welcoming, inclusive, outward-looking church family that works to enable people of all ages and backgrounds to encounter God through offering a blend of traditional and contextual worship; friendship and support to all who seek it; and opportunities to explore different ways to meet Jesus and grow as his disciples.
Our 2027 VISION inspires us…
By 2027, we aspire to see:
- Flourishing in the numbers of people of all ages CONNECTING with God and each other through services and small groups.
With the aims of:
- at least 20 children engaging with church services or groups once a month;
- an average Sunday morning worshipping community of 60.
- at least half of regular church members regularly engaging in small groups with a spiritual dimension.
- Flourishing in the quality and reach of our CARE for each other, our church, and our neighbours in the wider community.
With an aim of:
- All members of the church community using their personal qualities, experiences, talents and skills to play a part in serving the church and local community.
- Flourishing in our CONFIDENCE to share our faith outside of the church.
With an aim of:
- Each member of the church community having identified their own way of naturally sharing their faith.
Our 2024-2025 PRIORITIES focus us…
After prayerful review, our congregation believes that God is calling us to move towards our 2027 vision by initially focussing in 2024-25 on the following priority areas for action:
- Priority 1 - Creating and resourcing ‘small groups’ for people at different stages of faith and life.
- Priority 2 - Growing a multi-generational church, through continuing to develop new and existing relationships with children and families.
- Priority 3 - Becoming more of a positive presence in the local community.
Specific actions for each priority area are set out on below.
Our VALUES unite us..
The following Christ-centred values underpin how we will strive to work together to fulfil our purpose, mission, vision and priorities.
- Inclusive
We invite and welcome new people from all backgrounds into a community where every person is loved, valued, and offered opportunities to participate fully in church life. (Galatians 3:23-29)
- Compassionate
We are held together in our differences by our deep love for God, which flows into our love and care for others. (1 John 4:19)
- Joyful
We seek to notice, experience, and express God’s joy in all areas of our life together. (Nehemiah 8:10)
- Generous
We embody God’s generosity by freely offering our skills, time, resources, and care in service to our church and community (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)
- Evolving
We are rooted in Scripture, and respect inherited Christian tradition whilst also being open to discovering and joining in with new and emerging ways of being faithful to Jesus in a changing world (Acts 10:34-36)
All of the above will be enabled by:
- prayer for growth at the PCC, in intercessions, in events, by individuals.
- shared leadership across a strong, united PCC and Church Flourishing Team
- effective, well-resourced administrative and communication systems
- a well-maintained, fit for purpose building
- sound finances
- every member stewardship with each church member finding their unique God-given way to contribute towards the delivery of our vision, priorities and actions.
We’ll make progress towards our 2027 vision by focussing on some key actions during 2024/25
PRIORITY 1 - Creating and resourcing ‘small groups’ for people at different stages of faith and life
1. Hold an annual explorer course that acts as a feeder for a new lay-led home group.
2. Organise a regular lay-led discipleship group, that meets the needs of those seeking to go Deeper into God.
3. Establish a pastoral/fellowship group with a spiritual dimension.
4. Maintain a ‘whole congregation’ focus for Lent and Advent groups.
5. Promote friendship tea in ways that reach new people.
6. Establish a regular prayer ‘opportunity’.
PRIORITY 2 - Growing a multi-generational church, through continuing to develop new and existing relationships with children and families.
1. Set up a school lunchtime ‘faith’ club.
2. Undertake termly visits to Apple Daycare Nursery, plus host Christmas service.
3. Update baptism and weddings processes toensure they become more conducive to building enduring relationships.
4. As a minimum, hold at least 3 services a year with a ‘joint’ school/St John’s church choir.
5. Refresh the Annexe and entrance area so it is clear that we are child-friendly, multigenerational church.
6. Involve more young people in worship roles (eg serving, welcomers etc).
7. Review frequency, content and resources for Sunday club, Connect@4 and All Together Worship to ensure they remain best place to meet the needs of children and families (as
well as other ages).
8. If capacity: begin Annexe remodelling ‘vision’ work.
PRIORITY 3 - Becoming more of a positive presence in the local community.
1. Organise the opening of the church at least five days a week.
2. Create a welcoming, inclusive and spiritually inviting ‘offer’ for visitors in our entrance spaces (see also priority 2.5).
3. Hold at least one community-focussed event (in addition to the fete).
4. Build up and share the good news of our ministry at Stanborough Lodge Care home.
5. Find new ways to share our Remembrance and Thanksgiving services with the local community.
6. Ensure our communications channels are designed to reach as many people as possible in the local communities (website, social media, newsletter, parish magazine, maildrops etc).